Now having spent our second week here, we have all fully adjusted. We are continuously enjoying the time we have with Chie’s family here. At the same time, we are anticipating our trip down south on April the 22nd. This week we enjoyed a family reunion while celebrating May’s birthday (one of Chie’s eldest sister). We are so thankful be reunited with our family after 4 years!

A lot has happened this week. I emailed the pastor at Calvary Chapel on Negros Oriental Island. After emailing him, we were both encouraged and challenged. We were encouraged by the pastor telling us that the churches in the area are growing and there are many more Evangelical churches in the area than we knew of. However, we were challenged by the fact the Lord may call us elsewhere here in the Philippines to plant a church.
Chie and I also got in touch with a mission organization in Dumaguete. They seemed very supportive and glad we contacted them. I plan to be in contact with them this week and pray what our next steps will be. We are thankful for all the doors opening up for us here and the Lord guiding us every step of the way!

G reunited with her cousin that is closest to her age. Don’t they look alike?

All of the women together. Although I am not sure where G is in this photo.

It’s a custom here that if it’s your birthday, you treat people out. Chie’s sister Ate May took us to Shakey’s Pizza to eat. Unfortunately, not all of us could be in this photo. Chie’s parents and her other older sister are also not with us at this time.
Well, that’s it for now. Thank you for all those that are supporting and praying for us!
God Bless,