Our first week has been spent getting caught up with family and adjusting to life here. Getting around the many towns and cities here has probably been the biggest obstacle for us. We are so thankful to have a wonderful family here that has been most gracious in taking us around. We have enjoyed many great times this week in fellowship with our family.

This week, we were also able to see one of our friends from Japan we met while living in Kentucky. It was so encouraging to see her after three years. Of course, we forgot to take any pictures with her. Go figure!
Anyway, I think I speak for Chie and I when I say, we feel like we are on a mission everyday. Opportunities for ministry are everywhere here in Manila and the harvest is plentiful. Within the first week I was able to share the Gospel with someone we met through a mutual friend. There are so many needs here, both physical and spiritual.
Chie and I definitely know that it is God’s will that we are here in the Philippines. We are currently staying with my wife’s sister until most-likely the end of April before heading down to Dumaguete. We are trying to be used by the Lord in the present while anticipating what the Lord will do in the future.
Please pray for us to take advantage of opportunity to meet a need, to develop friendships with the lost and to love people in the hopes of making disciples. Also, please pray for the Lord’s help for the kid’s and I to learn Tagalog and for the four of us to learn Cebuano, in time.

Not all of us could be in either photo. But we had a great first official Sunday at Chie’s sisters church, Christ Comission Fellowship in Pasig. This Sunday was a bit emotional for me as I looked over how the Lord was so faithful and instrumental in bringing us here.
Overwhelmed by Him,