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Homeschool: We’re back in action with homeschooling. We kick off our home school last week but ended up changing our schedules to start in the afternoon. It worked out better for all of us. Our Tinkerbell (G) is now ready for 3rd grade and Mr. C is now in Kindergarten. He’s also turning 6 next week! What a joy to see them grow, we are undeserving as their parents.

homeschool missionary kids


Church Planting: Tim is back on track with his mentorship with Calvary Chapel of Dumaguete under Pastor Joseph Jo. Please pray that during this time of Tim’s mentorship, that our hearts will be prepared for the next chapter after he gets done with his mentorship. That we will be ready to do whatever God purposed for us here.

36 Years: I spent a few days with my family in Manila and celebrated with my older sister our birthdays this month. I’m thankful for the 36 years of God’s faithfulness in my life, His patience and love that I don’t deserve. I’m daily growing with my faith on Him and continue to be a work in progress. We had a nice dinner with other missionaries here in Duma on the day of my birthday too. Thanks y’all for your birthday greetings!

Snap a picture with my eldest sister. She just turned 46 while I turned 36. I know, she looks younger than me! 😀
mama & papa
Had a nice lunch with my parents and fil-briton nephew Josh.


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