packing and transitions

Dealing with Transitions when Homeschooling

This blog is difficult for me to write since we are still under the cloud of transitions. I know it will get easier and smoother once we are passed the transition stage but right now, I want to share with you how we are dealing with it as a family.

First, let me give you a little background what we are transitioning to? We are moving again! Back to US and after almost 2 years here in the Philippines, it’s quite big deal again for us and the kids. We originally planned to live in Philippines for at least 5 years, but God has a different plan.

We have moved a lot in our 10 years of marriage and every move has every challenge. In this case, the main challenge is moving us (the whole family) including a new baby, leaving all our things behind (we are taking 5 luggages and 3 plastic bins only as opposed to 21 balikbayan boxes we brought with us when we move from US to Philippines) , getting pass all the immigration requirements before we leave and saying our “goodbyes” to our family and friends.

It is vital that we communicate with our kids this process of moving. We let them know and try to answer every queries they have. We don’t want them to be left “in the dark” that they just have to follow whatever we tell them to do. But instead, they follow with the understanding of the process. They have to let go of most of their toys, most of their clothes, downsize their books etc. It can be overwhelming for kids. We want to avoid as much as possible that when we arrive in US, they won’t have the resentment or stress of nothing having the things they like or cherish. We want to make sure, they understand the spirit of giving, the gift of letting go and ensure their motivation is aligned with their actions.

In spite of packing and un-organized stuffs everywhere, we are dealing this transition with grace. Grace, patience and understanding are the language at home (not only during this time). We make mistakes, we deal with mistakes, we correct mistakes but we give grace.

We make every opportunity to work on their homeschool worksheets & activities even it’s hard to stay on track. Friends and families are visiting and on top of that, we are selling our stuffs. All of their homeschool supplies will go also as well as majority of our books. How we do it? They work a lot this time on their online activities with and Khan Academy. We found Time4Learning to be really fun for them though, unlike other online homeschool program. We decided to go easy on their worksheets and decided to tackle most of that when we are back in US.

We eat dinner together as much as we can. And if we can, with other loved ones in town. Our kids will miss their friends and cousins here. We want to celebrate every moment at the dinner table, so they will remember those times when they are back in US. So, they will keep the memory of laughing, eating and sharing love with each other. That’s another neat way of putting out sadness when they have those memories to remember.

Signing off,


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