Leaving Dumaguete

Two weeks ago, we spent a week in Dumaguete with a heavy heart as well as excitement with what God holds for us to this other side of the Philippines. Our hearts were heavy to leave our dear friends we came to know and regarded as friends. From the children and people at the boulevard, the fruit stand vendor, friends at church and PTA, Kuya Billy and family, Ate Ann and her family, our neighborhood friends, our landlords and even the people who bought some of our stuffs (yes, some of them have become friends with FB).

We realized that our time, in any place and at any given time was never a waste. Every morning we wake up was never a waste and days we walk up the bumpy road behind our subdivision was never a waste. The times we sang songs and tell story to the children at the boulevard to the evenings of full moonlights by the sea. God has used every minute and time for us to be a blessing to others and at the same time to bless us. Our relationship as a family have been stronger than before too.

It’s been over a week since we arrived at our new place and began to set roots on this place. We don’t know how long we’ll be here, in fact…as we shift our perspective eternally, nothing is “for sure” in this world. In the span of just a little over a week…we moved, got back to homeschooling, met new people at our new home group (I also met some ladies yesterday from our home group), got-together with our families and slowly getting back to our regular day-to-day schedule.

Please pray for us here, that we’ll continue to grow and be equipped in ministering to people. That we’ll be effective discipler to our children and that God will use us in any way to be a vessel of blessing to others.

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